Hi, Everyone,
My Name is Mandy Brace. I’m the owner and creator at EmBrace Leather. I am self-taught Leather Crafter based on the Wirral in the UK and started crafting in 2016 while working as a barber. I had Been looking for a hobby to suit my artistic flare for many years and after watching a man crafting leather at a cute little bar in Turkey, it struck me. That’s what I wanted to do!
So I came home and bought some basic tools, and I started off making leather bracelets, dog collars belts and anything else that took my fancy. And my skill grew along with my tools collection and now I’ve been able to take my hobby full-time.
The Direction of my hobby changed when my son, who plays Dungeons and Dragons, gave me the idea of making dice bags. I love Dragons so thought, why not make them Dragon themed, and I haven’t stopped making them since.
I’ve always hand painted the Leather but I started out printing the eyes and putting them on the glass cabochon but wasn’t happy with the quality, Then I realized I could paint them myself, so that each eye is unique and people loved them.
I have made many changes and improvements over time mostly through feedback from customers and reviews from the Gaming and Geek community. I love that I get messages from people all over the world who have received and are in love with their Dragons.
The thing I really adore is that every single item is different & has its own personality. I don’t know what they will look like until I’m finished, so I never get bored. I would hate to have to make the same thing over & over again and have added lots of other things to my Dragon Keep like Treasure Chests, Dice Trays, Glasses Cases and much more..